
Periodontal Therapy In Wichita, KS

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, affects approximately 30% of adults and is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. This chronic condition often leads to denture cases. Although it cannot be cured, it can be controlled through regular professional hygiene appointments and consistent home care.

Gum disease can progress without noticeable signs or symptoms. Many patients with this condition experience no pain and are surprised by the silent yet rapid damage caused by periodontal disease. To put it simply, the gums and bone surrounding your teeth are like the foundation of a house. Just as a house needs a solid foundation, your oral health depends on healthy gums and bone. When the foundation weakens, so does the rest of your oral health.

Regular dental exams, professional cleanings, and proper home care practices are crucial for detecting and effectively managing periodontitis.

Gum Disease: What are the Causes?

Our mouths are home to millions of bacteria, both good and bad. When these bacteria produce waste, it forms a sticky substance called plaque that sticks to our teeth. Brushing and flossing help remove plaque before it hardens into tartar. Tartar then becomes a breeding ground for more bacteria, which release toxins into our gums.

When bacteria invade our gums, our immune system responds with inflammation. There is a small pocket of gum tissue around the base of each tooth, providing an ideal environment for tartar and bacteria to thrive.

If left untreated, this inflammation can lead to bleeding gums, known as gingivitis. If the bacteria continue to grow undisturbed, it can cause a chronic infection in the gum pocket. Over time, the bone around the teeth may start to deteriorate. At this stage, there may be slight tenderness, but minimal discomfort as the bone erodes.

More than 50% of the bone around our teeth can be lost before we notice any signs of looseness or pain. Unfortunately, the bone does not regenerate, so this loss is permanent and becomes harder to control as the bacteria hide deeper in the gums. In severe cases, untreated gum disease can result in abscesses and tooth loss.


Before making a gum disease diagnosis, we consider several factors. Normally, the gum collar or pocket around each tooth is about 2-3 millimeters deep, which can be easily cleaned with floss or toothpicks. Our hygiene team or Dr. Davidson can measure and chart these areas using a periodontal probe. If the measurements are more than 3 millimeters and bleed when probed, it indicates the presence of periodontal disease.

Additionally, Dr. Davidson will assess the texture, shape, and movement of your gums, as well as examine the levels, shape, and density of the bone around your teeth using digital x-rays. By gathering this information, we can form a clear understanding of your gum condition.


Once we have determined the severity of your gum disease, we will create a personalized treatment plan. For milder cases with minimal bone loss, our hygiene team may be able to bring the condition under control in just one or two visits. We will provide you with a strategy for daily home care and a professional maintenance schedule, which may eliminate the need for further treatment.

If the inflammation has progressed and there is noticeable bone loss, it is important to take a proactive approach to prevent further deterioration. We may recommend numbing your gums and performing root planing or scaling. This deep cleaning process will be done gradually, focusing on one area of your mouth at a time. We will carefully remove the infected pocket around each tooth, as well as any mineralized tartar, using both hand and ultrasonic instruments. The treatment will be completed by polishing the teeth to create smooth surfaces that resist stain and plaque buildup.

Dr. Davidson may suggest additional measures such as a medicated rinse, an electric or ultrasonic toothbrush, and other specific strategies to enhance your home care routine. It is important to remember that gum disease can be controlled but not cured. Consistent home care is necessary to manage the disease.

Maintenance is important

Regular home care is crucial in halting the advancement of gum disease. Bacteria can start to repopulate and stick to the teeth within a few hours after cleaning. If plaque is left undisturbed, it will begin to harden and mineralize within 24 hours. It is important to remember that deeper gum pockets require even more diligence to prevent the bacteria from undermining the foundation of your teeth.

Since it can be challenging to clean gum pockets that have been previously damaged by bacteria at home, it is essential to maintain a faithful schedule with us. We can tailor your plan to include two, three, or four visits per year, depending on the severity of the disease, its response to treatment, and the consistency of your home care.

If our combined efforts do not effectively slow down or stop the progression of your gum disease, we may recommend a referral to a specialist, such as a periodontist.

The connection between the mouth and the body

Recent studies have revealed a strong connection between oral bacteria and serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, arthritis, Alzheimer's, and certain types of cancer. The significance of the relationship between oral health and overall well-being has never been better understood than it is today.

When gums bleed, they provide a direct pathway for oral bacteria to enter the bloodstream, allowing them to spread rapidly. Just like an open wound on the skin can lead to infection, bleeding gum tissue should be treated with the same concern. This explains why researchers consistently find deposits of oral bacteria in various parts of our bodies.

Individuals with diabetes and other autoimmune disorders have a weakened ability to fight infections, which allows gum disease to progress more rapidly and cause greater damage. Additionally, research confirms that inflammation in the mouth can worsen diabetes, making it more difficult to manage. This reciprocal relationship between these two chronic conditions underscores the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene.

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