
Root Canals in Hutchinson, KS

Toothaches are a reminder that teeth are not just solid structures in our gums. They are complex sensory organs with layers of dentin and enamel protecting a living pulp. This pulp contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish and provide sensation to each tooth. When the pulp is healthy, we may not notice the intricate workings inside our teeth. But tooth pain can be alarming, signaling that something is wrong. It indicates that the nerves and vessels in the tooth are being irritated, damaged, or under attack.

If a deep cavity allows bacteria to reach the inner nerve bundle, an abscess may develop in the jaw without any symptoms. If Dr. Davidson finds that the nerve cannot recover or if there is an infection present, root canal therapy may be recommended.

Modern anesthetics are used to numb the area for the gentle removal of the inflamed nerve inside the tooth. The nerve canal is disinfected, shaped carefully, and filled with a sealer. A filling or crown is then placed over the tooth to restore its original function.

Is it safe to get a root canal?

Despite extensive research debunking the idea, internet articles continue to spread misinformation about the supposed negative health effects of root canals. These claims are often rooted in outdated theories that lack scientific evidence. A popular Facebook article in particular relies on a study that was discredited a hundred years ago, needlessly alarming readers.

The American Association of Endodontists stays current with the latest research and can assure the public of the safety of root canal treatment. In fact, advancements in techniques and materials have improved the success rate of this important procedure.

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