
Dental Implants In Hutchinson, KS

Implant-supported dentistry offers a long-lasting solution that closely resembles natural teeth. These implants are carefully placed in the jawbone, providing strength and functionality similar to real teeth. Modern porcelains create a realistic result that may make you forget they are not your natural teeth. In cases of multiple missing teeth, dentures can also be attached to implants for added stability and confidence, resulting in a radiant smile.

Dr. Davidson uses advanced technology to gather essential data for planning your restorative case, including digital x-rays, 3D mapping, models, and photographs. She collaborates with respected specialists to ensure seamless integration of all aspects of your case. Throughout the process, she serves as the central figure, coordinating and overseeing the entire plan.

Surgical implants

The procedure of implant placement is often easier than expected for many patients. Modern dental anesthetic numbs the site, and skilled professionals carefully place the implant using a tiny guide hole. A sterile implant cylinder is threaded into place, with a healing cap protecting it during the healing period. In some cases, a temporary or permanent crown may be placed at the same time as the surgery.

Implants cannot withstand normal bite forces until the bone has fully integrated with the implant body. Dr. Davidson will help determine the best course of action during the initial healing period to ensure functionality while protecting the implants. This healing period typically lasts 3-6 months as the bone grows around the implant. Most patients experience minimal discomfort after the procedure, especially when compared to a tooth extraction.

Implants for restorative purposes

A carefully designed treatment plan that includes implants allows for a range of restoration options. After the healing process, personalized crowns or bridges are attached to the implants using small screws or dental cement.

One of the most important values in healthcare

Even with all the benefits, the cost of dental implants is an important consideration. When your case brings together the latest imaging, advanced training, and modern materials, this service offers one of the best values in health care. Compared to the replacement of other parts of the body, most dental implant procedures can be done at a small fraction of those costs. Most patients carry on with normal activities right away and usually enjoy a lifetime of normal chewing, bite stability, and appearance. We know the cost of dental implants is an important part of creating a complete plan that works for you.

The cost of dental implant services involves several critical factors unique to each patient. A fee quoted without careful evaluation and treatment planning may not only be incomplete, but doesn't consider what's best for your mouth as an individual. Dr. Davidson customizes your treatment plan after careful evaluation of your current oral conditions, needs, wants, and budget.

One thing is certain: You'll get the highest value possible in modern implant dentistry. That means years of natural function and a smile you are proud to show. We look forward to discussing how we can partner together for the best solution for you!

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