
TMJ Disorders In Augusta, KS

Treating issues with the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) can be challenging due to their complex structure. These joints connect the lower jaw to the temporal bone and work together with muscles, ligaments, and tendons to enable important oral functions such as chewing, speaking, and yawning. The TMJ also includes a soft disc that acts as a cushion, allowing for smooth movements in various directions.

TMJ Disorders: Understanding the Different Types and Symptoms

TMJ disorders can be classified into three categories.
  • Myofascial pain: Discomfort in the jaw joint area caused by increased muscle tension and spasms due to various factors.
  • Internal derangement: Includes disc displacement, jaw dislocation, or jaw condyle trauma.
  • Arthritis: Identified by degenerative joint disease.
Individuals who grind their teeth, have bruxism, a history of jaw injury, or certain types of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are at a higher risk of developing a TMJ problem. Symptoms of a TMJ disorder can vary greatly and may include earaches, ringing in the ears, headaches, neck and back pain, dizziness, muscle spasms, joint tenderness, jaw pain, popping or grating sounds when moving the jaw, jaw locking, and limited jaw movement. While some individuals may find relief from a TMJ disorder quickly, others may continue to experience symptoms despite undergoing extensive therapy.

Evaluation and Treatment

The dentist will assess joint symptoms and function to determine if a TMJ disorder is present. Additional tests, such as special radiographic imaging, may be needed. Treatment options may include oral appliances like night guards or stabilization splints to reduce strain on the joints. Other therapies could involve steroid injections, occlusal adjustments, and orthodontic or prosthodontic treatment to improve teeth alignment. Surgery may be recommended in severe cases.

Self-care methods can help alleviate TMJ disorder symptoms. Patients should stick to soft foods, avoid excessive jaw movements, practice stress reduction techniques, and use ice packs or moist heat as directed. Gentle stretching exercises recommended by the dentist or therapist should be followed. Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medications may provide temporary relief. If these are not effective, stronger medications like muscle relaxants or anti-depressants may be prescribed by the dentist or physician.

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