
Periodontal Therapy In Augusta, KS

Periodontal disease affects 30% of adults, leading to tooth loss. Regular cleanings and home care can control it. Gum disease can progress without symptoms, causing surprise damage. Regular check-ups and cleanings are crucial for managing periodontitis.

Gum disease has many causes

Our mouths are home to millions of bacteria, some helpful and some harmful. When bacterial waste forms plaque on our teeth, it can lead to tartar if not removed by brushing and flossing. Tartar can then become a breeding ground for more bacteria, releasing toxins into the gums.

Our immune system responds to this bacterial invasion by causing inflammation in the gums. The small pockets of gum tissue around our teeth provide a perfect environment for bacteria and tartar to thrive. If left untreated, this can lead to gingivitis and eventually a chronic infection in the periodontal pocket.

As the infection progresses, the bone around the teeth may deteriorate without causing much discomfort. By the time you notice any looseness or pain, more than 50% of the bone may already be gone. Unfortunately, this bone loss is permanent and difficult to control as the bacteria hide deeper in the gums. In severe cases, untreated gum disease can result in abscesses and tooth loss.


When diagnosing gum disease, we take into account various factors. The depth of the gum pocket around each tooth is usually 2-3 millimeters, which can be effectively cleaned with floss or toothpicks. Our team can measure and chart these areas using a periodontal probe. If the measurements exceed 3 millimeters and bleed, it suggests the presence of periodontal disease.

Additionally, we evaluate the texture, shape, and mobility of your gums, and examine the bone levels, shape, and density around your teeth using digital x-rays. This information allows us to accurately assess the condition of your gums.


After assessing the severity of your gum disease, we will develop a customized treatment plan. For mild cases with minimal bone loss, a few appointments with our hygiene team may be sufficient to get the condition under control. By following a daily home care routine and receiving regular professional maintenance, additional treatment may not be needed.

If the inflammation has progressed and there is noticeable bone loss, it is crucial to take a proactive approach to prevent further deterioration. This may involve numbing of the gums and root planing or scaling over multiple visits to thoroughly clean a section of your mouth at a time. This process includes removing infected pockets around each tooth and tartar buildup using hand and ultrasonic instruments, followed by polishing to create smooth surfaces that resist staining and plaque buildup.

Dr. Davidson may suggest a medicated rinse, electric or ultrasonic toothbrush, and other specific strategies to enhance your home care routine. It is important to understand that while gum disease can be managed, it cannot be cured. Consistent home care is vital for controlling the disease.

It is important to maintain

Maintaining regular home care is essential to prevent gum disease from advancing. Bacteria can quickly reappear on teeth within hours of cleaning, leading to plaque hardening and mineralizing within 24 hours if not disturbed. Extra care is needed for deeper gum pockets to prevent bacteria from harming the foundation of the teeth.

If gum pockets have been previously damaged by bacteria, it may be difficult to clean them effectively at home. A consistent maintenance schedule with us is necessary to address this issue. We can create a personalized plan for you, with two, three, or four visits a year depending on the severity of the disease, its response to treatment, and your home care routine.

If our efforts do not effectively slow or stop the progression of your gum disease, we may suggest a referral to a periodontist specialist.

The link between the mouth and the body

New research has revealed a link between oral bacteria and serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, arthritis, Alzheimer's, and certain types of cancer. The impact of oral health on overall well-being is now better understood than ever before.

When gums bleed, it provides a direct pathway for oral bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Just like an open wound on the skin can lead to infection, bleeding gums should be taken seriously. This helps to explain why researchers are finding oral bacteria deposits in various parts of the body.

Individuals with diabetes and other autoimmune disorders have a weakened ability to fight infection, allowing gum disease to progress more rapidly and cause more damage. Inflammation in the mouth can also worsen diabetes, making it harder to manage. This interconnected relationship between chronic conditions highlights the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.

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