
Dental Implants In Augusta, KS

Implant-supported dentistry offers a long-lasting solution that closely resembles natural teeth. These implants are carefully placed in the jawbone, providing the strength and functionality of real teeth. Modern porcelains make the result incredibly realistic, giving you a natural-looking smile. In cases of multiple missing teeth, dentures can also be attached to implants for added stability and confidence.

Our doctor uses advanced technology to gather all the necessary data for planning your restorative case. This includes digital x-rays, 3D mapping, models, and photographs, all of which are crucial in the planning process. our dentist works closely with respected specialists to ensure seamless integration of all aspects of your case. Throughout the entire process, she serves as the central coordinator, overseeing the entire plan.


Many patients are pleasantly surprised by how easy the implant placement procedure is. With the use of modern dental anesthetic, the site is numbed, and skilled professionals carefully place the implant. A small guide hole is created to guide the implant cylinder into place, ensuring precise placement. A healing cap is then placed to protect the implant during the healing process.

In some cases, a temporary or permanent crown may be placed at the same time as the surgery. It's important to note that implants need time to fully integrate with the bone before they can withstand normal bite forces. Our doctor will work with you to determine the best course of action during the initial healing period, allowing you to function while still protecting your implants. This healing period typically lasts 3-6 months as the bone grows around the implant. Most patients report minimal discomfort after the procedure, especially when compared to a tooth extraction.


A thoughtfully designed treatment plan incorporating implants provides a variety of restoration choices. Following the healing period, custom crowns or bridges are affixed to the implants using either small screws or dental cement.


The cost of dental implants is an important factor to consider, despite the many benefits they offer. With the latest imaging, advanced training, and modern materials, dental implants provide excellent value in healthcare. Compared to other body part replacements, dental implant procedures are typically much more affordable. Patients can resume normal activities immediately and enjoy a lifetime of normal chewing, bite stability, and appearance. We understand that the cost of dental implants is a crucial aspect of creating a comprehensive plan that suits your needs.

The cost of dental implant services is determined by various factors unique to each patient. A quote given without a thorough evaluation and treatment plan may not be comprehensive or tailored to your individual oral health needs. Our dentist customizes your treatment plan based on a careful assessment of your oral health conditions, preferences, and budget.

Rest assured, you will receive the highest value in modern implant dentistry, leading to years of natural function and a confident smile. We are excited to discuss how we can work together to find the best solution for you.

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