Differences Between Laser And Traditional Root Canal Treatment

Differences Between Laser And Traditional Root Canal Treatment - Newton Dental Studio

Root canal treatments are a common dental procedure used to treat infected or damaged teeth. Traditional root canal treatment has been the standard approach for many years, but in recent times, laser root canal treatment has emerged as a modern alternative. Understanding the differences between these two approaches can help you make an informed decision about your dental care. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between laser and traditional root canal treatment, including their processes, benefits, and effectiveness.

Traditional Root Canal Treatment

Traditional root canal treatment involves several steps:

  1. The dentist will numb the area around the affected tooth using local anesthesia.
  2. They will drill a hole in the tooth to access the infected pulp chamber. Using specialized instruments, the dentist will remove the infected pulp tissue and clean the area thoroughly to ensure no bacteria are left behind.
  3. The empty pulp chamber is filled and sealed with a material called gutta-percha, and a crown is placed over the tooth to protect it from further damage.

Laser Root Canal Treatment

Laser root canal treatment is a newer approach that utilizes laser technology to clean and disinfect the root canal system. Instead of using traditional dental instruments, the dentist uses a laser to remove the infected tissue and bacteria from the root canal. The laser also helps to seal the root canal more effectively, reducing the risk of reinfection. Laser root canal treatment is often preferred for its precision and efficiency.

Key Differences

Procedure Time

Laser root canal treatment is typically faster than traditional treatment. The laser can precisely target and remove infected tissue, reducing the overall time required for the procedure. Traditional root canal treatment, on the other hand, may take longer due to the manual cleaning process.

Pain and Discomfort

Laser root canal treatment is known to cause less pain and discomfort compared to traditional treatment. The laser helps to seal nerve endings, reducing post-operative pain. Patients undergoing laser treatment often experience less swelling and a faster recovery time.


Both laser and traditional root canal treatments are effective in removing infected tissue and sealing the root canal. However, some studies suggest that laser treatment may be more effective in killing bacteria. The laser’s ability to target and destroy bacteria in the root canal system could reduce the risk of reinfection.


Laser root canal treatment offers greater precision compared to traditional treatment. The laser can selectively target infected tissue while preserving healthy tooth structure. This precision results in a more conservative approach to treatment, which is beneficial for preserving the natural tooth.


Laser root canal treatment is often more expensive than traditional treatment. The cost difference is due to the specialized equipment and training required for laser procedures. However, some patients may find the benefits of laser root canal treatment, such as reduced pain and faster healing, to be worth the additional cost.

Patient Experience

Patients undergoing laser root canal treatment often report a more comfortable experience compared to traditional treatment. The minimally invasive nature of laser treatment can lead to less postoperative discomfort and a quicker return to normal activities.

Healing Time

Laser root canal treatment is associated with faster healing times compared to traditional treatment. The laser helps to seal the root canal more effectively, reducing the risk of complications and promoting faster healing.

Both laser and traditional root canal treatments are effective in treating infected or damaged teeth. The choice between the two depends on various factors, including the extent of the infection, your budget, and your dentist’s recommendation. If you’re considering root canal treatment, discuss your options with your dentist to determine the best approach for your dental care needs.