
Dental Implants In Hillsboro, KS

Implant-supported dentistry is a durable option that closely mimics the growth of new teeth. These implants are expertly placed in the same bone that once supported your natural teeth, providing you with the strength and functionality of a real tooth. With modern porcelains, the result is so realistic that you may even forget they are not your natural teeth. In cases where multiple teeth are missing, dentures can also be attached to implants. The stability and confidence that implants provide will leave you with a radiant smile.

Dr. Davidson utilizes cutting-edge technology to gather all the necessary data for planning your restorative case. This includes digital x-rays, 3D mapping, models, and photographs, which are all invaluable in the planning process. Dr. Davidson collaborates with highly respected specialists to ensure that all aspects of your case are seamlessly integrated. Throughout the entire process, she acts as the central figure, coordinating and overseeing the entire plan.


Many patients find the procedure of implant placement easier than they anticipated. Modern dental anesthetic numbs the site, and experienced hands carefully place the implant. A tiny guide hole provides a path for threading a small implant cylinder into place. The sterile piece is inserted into an exact location, and a smooth cover, or healing cap, protects the implant during the healing period.

In some cases, a temporary or permanent crown may be inserted at the time of surgery.

Implants can't withstand normal bite forces until the bone has integrated fully into the implant body. Dr. Davidson will help you decide what will work best during the initial healing period, ensuring you're able to function while still protecting your implants. This period usually lasts 3-6 months as the bone grows around the implant. Most patients experience minimal discomfort after placement, especially compared to an extraction.


A carefully planned treatment plan that incorporates implants offers various restoration possibilities.

Following the recovery period, custom-made crowns or bridges are affixed to the implants using small screws or dental cement.

One of the greatest values in healthcare

When considering dental implants, it is important to take into account the cost. Despite the benefits they offer, the cost of dental implants is a significant factor to consider. However, when you consider the latest imaging technology, advanced training, and modern materials used in this service, dental implants provide excellent value in healthcare. In comparison to the replacement of other body parts, dental implant procedures are generally much more affordable. Additionally, most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure and enjoy a lifetime of normal chewing, bite stability, and a natural appearance. We understand that the cost of dental implants plays a crucial role in developing a comprehensive plan that suits your needs.

The cost of dental implant services varies depending on several factors that are unique to each patient. It is important to note that a fee quoted without a thorough evaluation and treatment plan may not be comprehensive and may not take into account what is best for your individual oral health. Dr. Davidson tailors your treatment plan based on a careful evaluation of your current oral conditions, needs, wants, and budget.

Rest assured that you will receive the highest value in modern implant dentistry. This means you can enjoy years of natural function and a smile that you can be proud of. We are excited to discuss how we can work together to find the best solution for you!

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