
Cosmetic Gum Shaping In Valley Center, KS

If you are dissatisfied with a gummy smile or uneven gum tissue, a cosmetic dentist can help enhance your smile and boost your confidence through cosmetic gum shaping. At Newton Dental Studio in Valley Center, KS, we offer gum shaping procedures designed to improve the symmetry of your smile. This treatment, also known as tissue sculpting or gum reshaping, can create a beautifully even gumline.

What are the reasons behind a gummy smile or uneven gums?

Gingival hyperplasia, also known as the overgrowth of gum tissue, can be caused by specific medications or health conditions. This can result in a gummy smile or uneven gums. Additionally, genetic factors may also play a role in these problems for certain individuals.
  • Medication for high blood pressure (Calcium channel blockers)
  • Anti-seizure medications
  • Gum disease
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Vitamin deficiencies
Many individuals experience insecurity due to their gummy smiles caused by a low or uneven gumline. This can result in teeth appearing small or misshapen. Regardless of the cause, an excessive amount of gum tissue can exacerbate this issue.

Can you explain what gum shaping is?

Our cosmetic dentists at Newton Dental Studio specialize in gum shaping, a procedure crafted to eliminate excess gum tissue, revealing more of the underlying tooth. This treatment enhances the overall appearance of teeth, creating a longer and more symmetrical look.

Can you please describe the procedure?

Our doctors will commence by administering a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Once confirming the area is adequately numbed, they will employ either a scalpel or a soft-tissue laser to eliminate excess gum tissue and reshape the gumline.

Patients will remain awake during the procedure, experiencing little to no discomfort. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the amount of gum tissue that needs removal, typically taking between one to two hours.

Does gum shaping cause any pain?

Throughout the procedure, patients may feel pressure but should not experience any pain. However, after the procedure, they may encounter mild to moderate discomfort. Over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are usually effective in alleviating postoperative pain and swelling.

If stronger pain relief is required, Dr. Bo Davidson may prescribe prescription painkillers. Additionally, applying cold compresses or ice packs to the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes at a time can aid in reducing swelling and providing relief from discomfort.

How long does the recovery process take?

Cosmetic gum shaping is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, leading to a swift recovery time. Most patients can return to their regular activities within 48 to 72 hours post-procedure. However, it may take several days or weeks for the reshaped gums to fully heal.

To minimize the risk of infection and expedite the recovery process, Dr. Bo Davidson may prescribe an antibiotic mouthwash. Patients are also advised to modify their diet during the recovery period, opting for softer foods such as soups and smoothies for a few days following the procedure.

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